I recently got a US B1/B2 visa with the validity period of 10 years. This is very nice, but since I am a Russian citizen, I was expecting the maximum validity period of 3 years at most.
For example, according to the US travel.gov website the max is 36 months for B-type visas: https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/us-visas/Visa-Reciprocity-and-Civil-Documents-by-Country/RussianFederation.html. Comments in this post also indicate that the maximum duration is (or used to be) much shorter than 10 years: US B1/B2 visa validity
Is it common to be granted a US visa with a much longer validity period or is it more like an exception? Or maybe the information from travel.gov is not up-to-date, and 10 years is now the official maximum duration for Russian citizens?
Upd: I reside in Canada and since my previous US visa expired less than 4 years ago, I was allowed to send the application documents to the US embassy in Ottawa without interview.