The US nonimmigrant visa application form contains the following question:
Are you a permanent resident of a country/region other than your country/region of origin (nationality) indicated above?
( ) Yes ( ) No
The accompanying help message provides the following explanation:
Help: Permanent Resident
Permanent resident means any individual who has been legally granted by a country/region permission to live and work without time limitation in that country/region.
How should this question be answered by a non-EEA citizen who lives and works indefinitely in the EEA as the spouse of an EEA citizen who also lives and works there? Such people are not usually considered "permanent residents" under local law, since their right to live and work is contingent on their spouse's residence. But at the same time, this right is indeed technically "without time limitation". Since the limitation is tied to their spouse and not to a particular period of time, is it OK to answer "Yes" to this question?