Around mid-March 2020, most countries entered some form of lock down in an effort to contain outbreaks of the novel coronavirus (nCov-19). As part of these lock downs, most forms of tourism were disallowed due through a variety of mechanisms such as visitor bans on non-citizens/non-residents, quarantines for incoming international travelers and hotel shutdowns. Since the beginning of May 2020, these lock down measures have been successful in reducing active COVID-19 caseloads in some places resulting in plans to lift previous COVID-19 restrictions.

The question is: Which countries have allowed or set concrete plans to allow inbound international tourism? In order to qualify, all the following criteria must be met:

  1. Individuals who are not citizens or residents of that country may be granted entry for tourism purposes.
  2. Individuals who arrive from abroad are not required to spend a full 14 days in quarantine once arriving because one of the following applies:
    • no inbound quarantine obligation exists
    • certain international locations are exempt from quarantine obligations
    • tourists are exempt from quarantine measures
    • quarantine obligations can be removed upon testing negative for COVID-19
    • etc
  3. Basic touristic services such as hotels or other overnight accommodation services are permitted to operate. (Although many popular tourist attractions may be closed due to crowd/hygine restrictions.)
  4. There exist reasonable mechanisms that allow international travelers to come to the country.
  5. There are no other obvious hindrances which block pragmatic international tourism.
  • 8
    Not sure if it's a good question here - stuff with COVID-19 restrictions changes every day. Answer provided today has a high change to be outdated tomorrow.
    – pbm
    Commented May 11, 2020 at 13:45
  • 4
    (+1) I think the question is fine, even if the answer will probably be “none” at the moment (but it could be updated later). But isn't called “SARS-CoV-2“ instead of “nCov-19” now?
    – Relaxed
    Commented May 11, 2020 at 15:03
  • 4
    @MarkJohnson That's actually not true. Tourism is very high on the list of priorities for the many regions and countries that depend on it economically. It's more difficult to revive, which is the main reason it will take longer, but there is no reason it should be considered intrinsically less important than car factories, fashion stores, restaurants or hairdressers and I would be very surprised if nothing is attempted (even foolishly) long before a vaccine is widely available. It's certainly already being discussed.
    – Relaxed
    Commented May 11, 2020 at 20:17
  • 1
    Does it matter if the entire country is open or not? The US might be technically a possibility, but only in some states.
    – JonathanReez
    Commented May 12, 2020 at 6:31
  • 1
    Surely "being able to be a tourist" should be among the criteria? For if you can freely travel to and stay in e.g. Paris but you are not pemitted to explore the streets, parks, restaurants, cafés, bars, clubs, churches, cathedrals, galleries, museums etc - to do tourism - what is the point?
    – Lag
    Commented May 12, 2020 at 11:32

1 Answer 1


EU +

EU+ is loosely used to refer to countries in the EU, European Economic Area, Switzerland, the UK and Schengen Microstates.

Pretty Open

Countries in this section are open to a majority of other European countries

Only Partially Open

Countries in this section meet the above criteria in a very limited way






Mandatory disclaimer: just because it's possible to go somewhere doesn't mean it's a good idea to do so!

This answer is a community wiki, so please pitch in with updates with reputable sources, ideally the country's own immigration or health department.


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