Most "kinda tame" animals such as the ones in the photo (horses) will move away if something big approaches. As will many, but not all "wild" animals. Most will, without panic, avoid something that makes (moderate) noise, most will react rather negatively to something that makes sudden, harsh noises or is moving rapidly. Most animals will react favorably to being gently pushed with your palm by moving away. Believe it or not, the palm thing even works on curious sharks (who are just wondering whether you're edible or not).
Yes, an aminal (horse, cow, ox) that is easily 4-5 times as heavy and easily 5 times as strong as you are will (usually) just move away if you push it gently. No, they will normally not attack you (or bite, or eat you, whatever) unless you behave like a jerk. The overwhelming majority of animals is surprisingly indulgent, friendly, and obedient. Unless, well... unless.
There are of course some very obvious and some not-so-obvious things things to pay attention to. For example, it is an utterly stupid idea to get rough on or frighten an animal that is 5 times your weight. Chances are 50/50 that it will go away anyway, but it may as well kick you in your belly or let you feel its horns which you probably won't recover from.
Another obvious, and utterly stupid thing is to get in between cow and calf, or in between cow and calf, and stallion. Do not ever do that if you value your life. An angry cow that defends its calf will tear your car to pieces, with you inside. And oh heck, they don't look like it, but they do run faster than you can run.
Honking from a distance, may very well work with many animals, and will be safe, but it may be needlessly stressful for the animal (you might care or not!) and it may not work with some.
For example, mules are well-known to be "stubborn" and if they don't like, they do not move even when you beat them. Well, truth is, they cannot (and certainly will not) move because they're in shock paralysis. That's their innate behavior. So, in that case, honking or shouting may not be such an ingenious idea because after that they'll never move. Deer is known to be attracted by light, and other animals might freeze in place when exposed to the blinking. So while flashing lights may work, it may as well not, I wouldn't rely on it.
Then of course there's animals that you simply don't want to approach (crocodiles, lions, dingos, apes) for a variety of reasons. So the thing about getting out and pushing them away with your palm doesn't apply there. Wait until they move by themselves (best idea!), or slowly drive on (pedestrian speed), and rely that they move away, if you really must.