I have to change flights in Cagliari on a Sunday evening and I'll have around 2 hours free between the two, so I decided not to just sit in the terminal but actually rush out to the city. I have interests in history and transport (and maybe food, but this timescale definitely not allows for a good eat). I made the following plan:
18:55 Arrival
19:11 / 19:44 Take the train from Elmas-Aeroporto to Cagliari station
Walking through from the station/harbour to Republicca to catch a tram just for a few stops, and then coming back with another one and walking back to the train station (or by bus).
20:40 / 20:44 / 21:00 Take the train back to the Airport.
22:40 Scheduled time of my flight leaving
My questions are the following:
- How reliable are the railway timetables and trains? Should I expect them arriving on time?
- What is the easiest ticketing option? Do they do contactless travel? (I have euro account debit card) I looked at Trenitalia and the ticket description says it is only valid at the given time, but I can't know for sure which train I'll be able to catch. Can I buy any train tickets before travel? Is there any return tickets? (however the price is so cheap I don't mind paying two singles, the main constraint is time.
- Are the tram timetables reliable? It seems to be a 20 minutes service on Sunday evening. Are the same trams returns from the final station? (they have 6 minutes return time there) What is the quickest ticketing option for the trams? I only found Italian on the tram website so that is not much helpful.
- Can I rely on Google Maps (my usual transit app) for bus stops, arrival and route times? (getting back to the train station)
Thanks if you can answer any of the above.