We're planning to travel to India to visit family in a couple of weeks (still haven't booked the airfare) and I haven't been able to get good information about what to expect with using a car seat on international flights (probably Emirates or Qatar Air) or in Indian vehicles. We'll be using my husband's family's car (an older small Maruti sedan, maybe the 800) when we arrive.
I'm not sure if we should go through the headache of bringing the car seat on the plane since I've heard of flight attendants not allowing passengers to install them correctly (even when they are installing per the company and FAA policy) and it's unlikely our baby will sleep for long in the car seat. If we don't use the car seat on the plane, then we will check the seat in its original box. This leads me to my first questions; does anyone have experience with either option for the flight with a car seat? Is it likely the car seat will even make it to the final destination? Can you gate check a car seat on international flights (to reduce chances of it being lost in transit)?
Then there's the concern of using the car seat in the family vehicle with unknown seatbelt locks. If we travel anywhere outside the home area then we will probably hire an Innova minivan + driver for more space. Are automatic locking retractors common in India or will I definitely need to use a seatbelt locking clip?
I just want to add that I know there are no requirements to use car seats on airplanes or in India, and it is incredibly uncommon to see one used, but I think this contributes to my trouble with finding answers so I can better prepare for the trip. Thanks for your help!