This happened to me and my daughter Saturday night. We were at a basketball tournament, all the teams including daughter's had reservations at the same hotel. I booked with Expedia, and received a confirmation from them that we did not need to reconfirm, so we did not.
Well.. we got there at night after our the games to check in and the hotel was completely booked. As was every other nice "family" hotel in the area. This was highly stressful as there was a snowstorm, yet Expedia did not care. I sat on the phone for 2 hours trying to work something out with Expedia.
The hotel showed me on their Expedia site where Expedia cancelled my reservations and never rebooked me for Saturday only. Expedia said they see my reservation. That's all. They see I am confirmed. My Expedia account and printed out sheet from my email shows my reservation confirmation for Saturday but for some reason they never confirmed with the hotel. The hotel did let my daughter swim with her friends for a while. But I ended up having to book directly with a MOTEL down the road as only room available, not ideal.
We have had this planned and booked since November. The hotel could do nothing as they were completely booked. Expedia hung up on me twice and hung up on the hotel once. The hotel even tried telling the Expedia they would pay for my room but that they messed up. Expedia kept insisting that I had to pay and anything above my reservation would be covered by Expedia.
Well the truckstop motel was $77. Our deal with the hotel Grandstay was $115. I can't even explain how horrid the experience was and to top it off there was a Blizzard Warning in Effect and we had to drive to the other hotel at nighttime. Expedia did nothing to help us, to compensate us for their mistake, etc. Again, I still have my confirmation that I have a room booked with NO NEED TO RECONFIRM.
Who do I contact as Expedia Customer Service and their Chat Service were absolutely no help and were downright rude. Even the hotel manager on duty said in 30 years and with a 4 year Travel (not sure correct title) degree she has never heard of such a thing and the service rep at Expedia even hung up on her before telling her it was the Hotel's fault for overbooking. (But I booked back in November).
I am looking for help on how to even get Expedia to take responsibility and maybe even give us a couple free nights stay at a hotel with a nice pool.