I am planning a trip next year to the South-West of the US (starting and ending in SF, with a road tour across the major attractions).
There are several sites to help with the planning (notably Roadtrippers which is horribly slow and the addresses matching is horrendous -- but has quite a lot of information). All the ones I had a look at are missing one key feature: breaking the route into daily chunks.
All of them give an overall driving time which does not make much sense. It would be better, when planning to start at at 8:00, to know that one is likely to be here and here at 19:00. This would allow, taking into account the time spent on visiting, eating, stopping 73 times for the children to pee - to plan for a motel on the way.
This becomes particularly important when the type of the road is taken into account: 100 km on a highway is different from 100 km in the mountains.
Is such functionality available somewhere?