I'm going to the island of Cyprus in June and will rent a car at Ercan airport which won't have GPS navigation (the chosen company is literally the only option for me for specific reasons).

While I'll be based in North Cyprus, I will also visit EU Cyprus.

I was told by the rental company I can download apps for GPS navigation - fortunately my mother, who has a tablet, is travelling with me.

Do you know any accurate offline app that works in both countries on the island?

I want it to show all routes that can be taken, whilst excluding those that can't, such as the small roads between the two north-south roads shown below.

enter image description here

  • 1
    There are basically two offline options these days - Google Maps and Openstreetmap based apps. Can you clarify what "accurate" means?
    – JonathanReez
    Commented Mar 26, 2018 at 16:39
  • 1
    @JonathanReez Showing the roads that can be taken whilst not showing roads that can't (like Google Maps does, at least in regards to border crossings - the suggested route from Larnaca to Ercan airport cannot actually be taken by civilians)
    – Crazydre
    Commented Mar 26, 2018 at 16:41
  • So maybe add an example route that Google Maps displays incorrectly to your post?
    – JonathanReez
    Commented Mar 26, 2018 at 16:42
  • 1
    @JonathanReez When I try google maps betweeen Larnaca and Ercan airport, it display a route that goes through Akincilar, there is not border crossing there. I think this is what Coke refers to.
    – Max
    Commented Mar 26, 2018 at 18:24
  • 1
    >closed to civilians Do you mean military bases? AFAIK you can drive the roads inside military bases, but you shouldn't stop there or buy anything. Commented May 7, 2018 at 9:08

2 Answers 2


I use maps.me (https://maps.me/) for all places where I don't have mobile connection or can't afford it :-). Openstreetmap data is used for the maps. Those are updated often.


Went for Google Maps offline, although ended up rarely needing it (as I'm generally good at orientation)

  • 2
    I hope that you haven't asked and answered your own question just to tell us that you are good at orientation? :) Commented Jul 4, 2018 at 11:56
  • 1
    @EdmundDantes No, but to tell what I ended up downloading
    – Crazydre
    Commented Jul 4, 2018 at 19:33

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