Obviously it'll depend on where you fly into, and what dates and the like.
However a quick check on return flights to Tegucigalpa (capital of Honduras) reveals Delta is probably one of the cheapest and most direct - stopping only in Atlanta. Other airlines include United and American Airlines, and fly via Miami or Houston as well.
Your best bet may be a return flight to Tegucigalpa, and a one-way from Panama back to Honduras, depending on your route, or an open-jaw flight to get back to Amsterdam.
I'd recommend Flightfox as a potential solution seeing as you have tons of possible options. Describe what you want and the dates, and people will crowd-source you an answer (it costs money, but I've got a link in my profile that can get you a discount). I've used it in the past on a complex flight and was amazed at what they came up with.
If you narrow your dates and a route, we may be able to help out further.