I had a trip planned - 3 days in Greece and 2 1/2 days in Paris together. I submitted the travel itinerary and got a multiple-entry Schengen visa from the Greek embassy as it was my main destination.
But unfortunately I couldn't make the planned trip to Greece due to important deliverables at the office that came all of a sudden.
I can make the rest of the trip to Paris for the 2 1/2 days as I'm meeting my dad in France.
I would also like to mention that I have had two Schengen visas from France and Belgium previously and I have stayed as per itinerary both times.
I'm just wondering, if I entered France with a Schengen visa issued by the Greek embassy and tell them that my itinerary with Greece was cancelled due to genuine reasons and tell them I'm continuing with the itinerary I have applied with, will there be any questions about that?
I also have a relative in France who can provide accommodation documents for me. I can provide return tickets, bank statements, payslips and everything to authenticate my reason.
And as for not entering Greece as mentioned in the tour itinerary, would that pose a problem for my future visa applications? I do have plans to travel to Athens in the future, just not immediately.
I thought of calling the Greek embassy and mention my plan change and ask if I need to cancel this visa and get another one from France. In that case, I don't get a French visa appointment in time before my trip.
I would like suggestions on what to do before I let the Greek embassy know about my plan change.
Thanks in advance.