Absolutely untrue. This is a Ukranian "woman" supposedly applying for a visa to visit the US. The decision makers are US Immigration officials. While Ukranian government officials can be corrupt, they have no say.
US immigration couldn't give a hoo-ha who pays for the airline tickets.
Immigration wants to know whether the person's reason to visit is bona-fide or a sham. While crime is a factor, mainly they want to know that the visitor is not going to overstay or seek employment. So they are looking for a bunch of stuff about the person's personal ties to life in Ukraine - are they financially self-sufficient in Ukraine, do they have a well established career, business, strong family or community ties, or are they a broke and flighty vagabond who will take anything? This is, in a small way, informed by who pays for the airline tickets, but not enough to matter.
So if this person is legitimate, a young woman who is so untied in Ukraine and needy enough to take her chances as a mail-order bride/girlfriend, that is exactly who Immigration wants to refuse. In this case, sending her cash to fund the plane ticket is simply a type of deception we here refer to as funds parking: sending the immigrant money for them to claim as their own resources. It almost never works because immigration sees it 100 times a day.
This is the classic failure-blindness of the desperate immigrant: hyper-focusong on one single detail of their application, believing the yes/no decision hinges on that alone, and obliviously ignoring the galaxy of other data which also dooms them.
Pay attention to everything. Make the entire galaxy support your application. If you are unable, defer your plans and get to work on that stuff.
Even ignoring the tendency for scams and gold digging, the government does not want foreigners romancing citizens to achieve entry or citizenship to which they would not otherwise be entitled.
If the person is not legitimate, obviously the goal is to get the money out of you. They will either vanish, or will hit you up with another problem that can only be cured with more money, and another problem, and another problem, preying on your belief in the "sunk costs" fallacy and your refusal to accept that you've actually been sexting with a guy this whole time.
This classic lonely-hearts scam can be busted by getting a VPN and Skype, and insisting all your future communications be video chat.