I am a US citizen. My fiancee lives in the UK and we would like to get married in the UK. I understand that a Marriage Visitor Visa is the thing to apply for in this case.
However, in order to get married, we need to give notice at a register office, which takes a minimum of 28 days processing time. I cannot live with my fiancee for that amount of time, so the plan is to apply for a Marriage Visitor Visa, live together for the week required by the register office, and give notice. I would then return to the US and resume work there.
If I recall correctly, the eventual marriage license is valid for one year. My question is: what happens if we decide to get married outside of the 6 months granted by the marriage visitor visa? Can I simply apply for another separate one to get married? I would assume so since the visa page lists giving notice and getting married as separate points, but could this be considered extending or switching the visa, which is not allowed? I assume the authorities would take a dim view of applying for a 6-month visa straight after the conclusion of the previous one. How soon after could a subsequent visa application be made?