Let's say during my trip I have to make a transfer from one line to another. According to the Google search I did, I found that in most of the stations where multiple lines are interconnected, we can transfer from one line to another just by walking within the station.
But what if we have to walk out and get into a another line? Google maps shows intermediate walking between lines for some destinations. So if I do that will it cost me again?
And 7-day Unlimited MetroCard description here says that we must wait 18 minutes before using again. Also it states that "unlimited transfers, including between buses and subways".
I'm a bit confused here. For buses you have to get down from one have to get into another. So aren't we suppose to swipe the card again? How did this transfers work? What does it means unlimited transfers?
Is this is same for Pay-Per-Ride MetroCards as well? Although it clearly states that "free, Subway to subway transfers included within the system". Again it states this "free subway-bus and bus-bus transfers within 2 hours".
Would appreciate a clarification from someone who has experienced this before.