This area is close to the Putorana plateau, "near" the city of Norilsk, and indeed not too far from the village of Turokhansk.
As a look at the topographic map shows, the area is full of rivers and hills. You might be able to get there by boat from Turokhansk, as mentioned in VMAtm's answer, but it's probably easiest to get there in winter.
January and February are very cold, but in March and April, it's not so cold; mean minimum temperatures around -20°C, and temperatures below -35°C might be rare, so it's not all that cold. So skiing might do it. It's less than 300 km from Turokhansk to this spot, and you might be able to get a taxi ride quite a bit into the area; Richard Löwerherz, when cycling in northeastern Europe and western Siberia in winter (in temperatures down to -50°C), seemed to be offered a ride by nearly every car passing by. Mind you, he wasn't cycling on roads; he was cycling on rivers. Given the extreme cold in the deep winter, there probably isn't too much snow. However, there don't seem to be official ice-roads maintained on the rivers, so I'm not sure if it's actually possible there. Skiing or snowmobiling, of course, is. If it's possible to cross Greenland and Antarctica, it's also possible to get to Lake Vivi. But it is an expedition.
But, I would recommend to dress properly if you're venturing on such an adventure!