I want to use the self-service ticket machines in a French Railway station. I have a US Credit card with a chip ("puce"), but for which (in keeping with US credit card modalities), I don't get asked for a PIN, even when the chip is used.
Can I use this credit card in SNCF self-service machines (either with or without a PIN)?
A related question has previously been asked on this forum (I need some explanation about payment modalities on sncf-voyages.com websiteI need some explanation about payment modalities on sncf-voyages.com website), about how to use the ticket retrieval options but all options do mention a PIN and I am wondering about what to do in my case where there is no PIN? Also note that the post is 4 years old and therefore may no longer reflect the current situation.
I'd like to know this for either buying a ticket directly or printing a ticket I would have bought online earlier.