12 votes

How to reach Old Faithful (Yellowstone) from Jackson Hole in December?

Most roads within Yellowstone National Park are not plowed over the winter. From the National Park Service: Every year in early November, most park roads close to regular traffic as we prepare for ...
Michael Seifert's user avatar
7 votes

Visting Yellowstone without a drivers license

Yellowstone is a magnificent and unique spot and I do not want to discourage you, but it is very difficult to visit without a private vehicle not only because it is remote, but also because it is very ...
choster's user avatar
  • 43k
6 votes

Visting Yellowstone without a drivers license

I googled public transport Salt Lake City To Yellowstone and arrived at Getting to Yellowstone National Park. This site suggested that Salt Lake Express Shuttle is the bus line you are looking for (...
Peter M's user avatar
  • 15.4k

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