Questions tagged [romance]

Travelling with the intent of forming or maintaining a romantic relationship. This includes long distance relationships where the parties far away from each other; also includes travel undertaken for a first-time encounter (usually having only internet communications prior to travelling). Also includes 'catfishing' or similar gambits.

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27 votes
3 answers

Does a Ghana citizen need $3000 in hand to travel to the USA? [duplicate]

I have met a girl online and wish to bring her to the USA. We have talked on the phone and via video chat. All documents are in order but they say she needs $3,000 (USD) in hand to travel. Is this ...
SHAUN's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

Fuerteventura surfing and quiet romantic accommodation [closed]

My partner and I are looking to go surfing in Fuerteventura in November and we're looking for recommendations for a surf school and accommodation. We'd like to be able to sit in the evenings, listen ...
David's user avatar
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