Questions tagged [entertainment]

Performances, shows and venues.

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13 votes
2 answers

In Japan, what is a "Philippine pub"?

In Japan, what is a "Philippine pub" (フィリピンパブ)? I tried googling for "Philippine pub Japan", but didn't have much luck. The Japanese edition of Wikipedia has a description, but Google Translate doesn'...
Golden Cuy's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Can tourists meet onsen geisha nowadays?

Japan's most famous geisha are from Kyoto, Japan's former capital and still a major cultural capital of Japan. But I've also heard of onsen geisha, far away from the big cities, who are at the bottom ...
Golden Cuy's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

What games can I play with friends in the confined space of the seating on a long flight? [closed]

Background Imagine 8 people, around 24-26, book a 14 hour flight somewhere for vacation. They are seated in 2 rows of 4 seats in the middle of the plane, so there is no strangers in between any of ...
LampPost's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Where can I find an overview about concerts in Toronto, Montreal and New York?

I'm looking for a site that lists all of the big concerts that take place during August and September in Toronto, New York and Montreal. Is there anything like that?
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