Questions tagged [bavaria]

A state of Germany, located in the southeast of the country.

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60 votes
11 answers

Is tipping mandatory at Restaurants and Bars in Germany?

In Bavaria, I paid for my drink, I asked her for "Ruckgeld", but only got the integer part of the money back, the rest of it, she kept it for tip! I looked her in the eye and she understood that I ...
gsamaras's user avatar
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19 votes
4 answers

Tipping in hotels in Germany

When staying in a hotel in Germany (Bavaria), what are the customs concerning tipping hotel staff, in particular chambermaids? Is tipping expected, and if yes, how much? What is a reasonable amount ...
Petr's user avatar
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15 votes
2 answers

How can I reach Marktoberdorf from Munich Airport? Disabled person

First of all (its quite important) I need to say, that I am a disabled person, and walk with a crutch. In about two weeks I'm flying from Poland to Munich Airport. It is the first time I fly alone and ...
tlockhart's user avatar
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